This one started from our trip to Lowell Observatory, which was pretty cool. Victorian technology, nut-ball astronomers working in the cold, dying for some mad pursuit, looking for Pluto and what-not. . . Also, there's nothing better than knobs and pulleys. . but dammit, this one took a while. I scrapped half the drawing. Also Monet got me thinking about doing a children's book in this style, so I'm trying to take the doodles a bit more seriously. . . still need to work on the star field. . . eh, it's evolving. The turtle, btw, was Leaf's idea. He included a turtle on a chain in his drawing, and I thought it was curious, so I added it in mine. He also took a more realistic line, drawing the tires on the Clark Telescope, which impressed him big-time. The kid loves mechanical stuff.

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